CARIB Brewery gets new identity
As the world is transitioning to the new normal, CARIB Brewery is also transforming.
CARIB Brewery has a new identity. And it is “modern, consistent, and beautiful,” CARIB’s managing director Peter Hall said.
“This is the 70th year of Carib Lager since it was first brewed in 1950 so as we looked at what we could do to commemorate we looked back and we looked at the growing world of Carib, this brewery and the other locations and we decided, look we should also look at the brewery and its identity and its personality as also being time for an update,” Hall told Guardian Media.

And so the company decided on rebranding.
The CARIB Brewery located in Champs Fleurs was one of several in the region that underwent a facelift.
“In this update we will be addressing Trinidad, Grenada, St Kitts and our international business as well,” Hall said.
“The new identity is a new look so the name is the same. We are still CARIB Brewery but we’re differentiating it a little bit from Carib Lager which is our flag ship beer. We are also going back to the origin of the brewery and looking for those inspiring ideas and depictions that we used then and bringing that right up to today,” he said. Hall said the new logo is a “significant expression of our new identity.”
“When our people are out there – whether it is a merchandiser stacking supermarket shelves in the evening or whether it is a truck driver who is taking empty kegs back to the brewery—we want everyone to feel proud that they work for CARIB Brewery and we want them to look the part as well,” he said.
The new look will not affect the lager.
“This will not affect Carib Lager at all. This is strictly the brewery itself—our home, some of our trucks, our uniforms, our façade to the brewery building—this is where the change will be most apparent,” Hall said.
This is how it all began.
“Sir Gerald Wight, founder of the Caribbean Development Company (CDC), ensured that the production process, which was based on the European-Continental method of brewing with our own twist, was mastered before the company’s flagship beverage, Carib Lager Beer was sold in 1950.
“In fact, CDC still produces the perfect lager today because our formula continues to include the best ingredients, unwavering quality and constant innovation,” according to the brewery’s history.
Alves, Anisto. Peter Hall, beverage sector head, ANSA McAL Group of Companies, at office Champs Fleurs. Trinidad Guardian, 13. Aug. 2020, p. 17.