1. Introduction
CARIB Brewery Limited is dedicated to promoting responsible consumption. You must verify that you are of legal drinking age in your country or region to access and purchase products from our website.
2. Age Verification Process
2.1 Before accessing any content or making a purchase, users will be prompted with an age verification page when they visit our website.
2.2 To confirm that they are of legal drinking age, users will be required to input their date of birth or select their age from a drop-down menu.
Users under the legal drinking age will be redirected to an age-appropriate page or instructed to leave the website.
3. Accuracy of Authentication
3.1 We take age verification very seriously and employ safeguards to ensure its accuracy.
3.2 Users who falsify their age or provide inaccurate information may face legal repercussions.
4. Cookies
We may use cookies to remember a user’s age verification status to improve user experience. This data is securely stored and is not used for any other purpose.
5. Compliance with Local Laws
5.1. Our age verification procedure complies with the relevant laws and regulations of the countries or regions in which we operate.
6. Contact Information
6.1 Please contact us at [ [email protected]] if you have any queries or concerns regarding our age verification process or the responsible consumption of our products.
7.1 While we take every precaution to prevent access by juveniles, we cannot guarantee that our age verification procedure is foolproof. Parents and custodians are responsible for monitoring and preventing access to our website by minors.
By utilising the CARIB Brewery Limited website, you confirm that you have read, comprehended, and agreed to our age verification procedure, and that you are of legal drinking age in your country or region.
How to Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments about this Age Verification, please email us at [email protected] or write to us at CARIB Brewery Limited, Eastern Main Road, Champs Fleurs, Trinidad.
Questions or comments submitted through other means, such as Wall posts, may not be received or addressed.